26 July 2012

work time~

Bonbon eating grass on balcony,
She is such like mower. XD
Hi ^^
So long didn't write but I had not connection with internet. T.T
Now, everything is OK but It's time for next changes in my life.
I get to work from tomorrow. I need study I got really not much time.
OK to the end of July I have to remind some things from chemistry,
in August I will study math so hard I have to pass exams and than
I will think what to do more. I think about search some job in UK 
for save money to go to Taiwan. Also need to search some job in Taiwan.
For get money there, I'm sure I wanna study in Taiwan and I think it will be 
Sinology. My friend told that it's good choice and that more easy study
it there than in Poland, moreover I will know Chinese better than after
studies in Poland. That's all about my plan for this time.

This summer is one from the most lazy summers in my life.
But I start get problem with my health. My knees are so bad
and sometimes really hurt and problems with tooth. I have to care
about myself much and have to go to dentist what scare me. XD
and doctor it's scare me also ^^ I have to start move and live much active.
So probably in weekend I will go with friend for beach. ;)

Ahh, Today my mom baked some cake, I have no idea how it's
named OK I will call it apple cake XD Really yummy ! :33

Anyway If you noticed I changed my blog desing.
What do you think about this desing ?
I don't know this summer I really started like pink and blue :D
two colours which I didn't like so much before.
Blue remind me sky but pink it's remind me some sweet things.
Anyway nevermind haha.

Now time for some music :)
Leehom Wang, 王力宏 - Ni Bu Zai

Good Time - Owl City ft Carly Rae Jepsen 
(Jason Chen x Tiffany Alvord Cover)

That's all for today ^^
Bye bye~~

Quote for today
"Conscience is this little voice which whispers 
that someone is watching."
- Julian Tuwim


  1. Przecież jesteś Polką ?
    Piosenki fajne :P
    Będzie mi miło gdybyś obserwowała i pomogła dojść do 100 obserwatorów, strasznie mi zależy ♥
    Wpadnij : www.everyday-smart.blogspot.com

  2. Przyjemny blog i muzyczka :_))
    Obserwuję, zapraszam http://s0meonelikeme.blogspot.com/

  3. Studia na Tajwanie musza byc bardzo drogie co nie ?

  4. ej to ja tez chce ! razem dazmy do naszych marzen ! tez chce byc modelka ^^ moze tez sprobuje ? XD

  5. zerwalas z nim ??? chyba sobie teraz ze mnie zartujesz ! :<
    mialas jakies powody ?
    czy on moze mnie porwac na Tajwan to nie wiem , chyba byloby ciezko . a mowiac ze masz sponsora masz na mysli nowego Tajwanskeigo chlopaka ? :]

  6. O kurde .. to musisz sie zdecydowac na tego jednego ! XD
    To juz zalezy od Ciebie ktorego wybierzesz :]

  7. pokochałam twojego królika :):)

  8. Świetny blog, dobrze się czyta :)

    Zapraszam do mojego bloga. Może zaobserwujesz? ♥

  9. Tak tak pamiętam ten Tag o YT tylko że ja rzadko jestem i zastanawiam się czy go zrobić ponieważ nie mam swoich ulubionych . :)

  10. Buty, dowolna para do wygrania! Zapraszam na konkurs:

  11. Pojadłabym takiego ciasta :))


Thank You for visiting and any comments ^ww^