Cześć ! ^O^ I have something special for you. :)
First it's new header ! What do you think about it ?
It's shows what I love so much : Panda,Taipei,
Postcards,Cooking,YaLun,Photography,London and Bonbon~!
All in one and sentence "In life, there are things worth fighting to the end.".
I love it because it's make me say everyday "加油(jiayou)!" and by this
I getting faith and keep doing my best for make my dreams come true.
It's kind of motivating sentence for me. ;)
[ 加油 - do you best (fighting) ]
First it's new header ! What do you think about it ?
It's shows what I love so much : Panda,Taipei,
Postcards,Cooking,YaLun,Photography,London and Bonbon~!
All in one and sentence "In life, there are things worth fighting to the end.".
I love it because it's make me say everyday "加油(jiayou)!" and by this
I getting faith and keep doing my best for make my dreams come true.
It's kind of motivating sentence for me. ;)
[ 加油 - do you best (fighting) ]
Some people know what it is because I shared it on fb.
Week ago I went for photo-session with one of my blogger friends. :)
This session were in Oliwa Park. ^^ It was my first sesion with
photographer ! Maybe not so professional but for me. She is professional ! :D
This person is Karolina - .
After this photo-session I want more and more pics with her. :)
We have some plans I hope She come to 3city again and We can meet. ^^
She is really soo nice person. What made me suprise that
She is in my younger brother age. ;O But She is more mature than he lol.
Anyway enjoy pics ;) some are from her blog some I got in email. ^^
Which just I edited ^^
Which just I edited ^^
What do you think about them ? :D
Ahh sorry that without smile or something. But I made those pics really early
maybe 10 am ? :D for me its early I had to woke up also so early to go to Gdańsk and
slept only 5 hours so I were still sleepy on them haha. :D
But no problem ;) Next photosession will be better^^
Just It was my first time with Karolina and her camera etc.
Now song from new album Ya Lun :D
"The moment" ^^ I can't stop listen this album.
炎亞綸 (Aaron Yan) - 可能妳還愛我 (Maybe you still love me)
OK enjoy pics and music !