Hello :3
Today the same as yesterday I went for a walk
with my dog to forest maybe not big forest but is ok. ^^
This forest reminds me about my childhood when I was really
little girl my brothers took me there in winter on the sled. :D
Really nice place. I took some photos of this and my dog. ^^
Here were some nice white flowers :D sorry but I dont know
what kind of flowers and their names .__.
Atos (Ati) wanted eat some glass :D |
Atos heard something :D |
I called for him because He gone too far from me :3 |
some hill to to overcome XD be sure it was more high
I was then in more than half of the way. :)
and on the hill haha.. As u can see almost
everywhere are these flowers :3 |
Exit from the forest I really like this way. ^^ |
this pic I made near my home on right way is my home :3
on left side of the street is this forest what u can't see haha.
Today was the same route in forest maybe tommorow I will try change this :D
and will go on other parts of forest. ^^
I love walks in sunny and watm days like this :3
last time i have some strange days with strange moods.
I have to go somewhere so I go to forest it make me relax.
and make me feel better ^^ Really good is get some healthy air,
both for physical and mental health.
"Forest is sometimes place more friendly
for the lonely human than a great city.
In contact with nature, we aren't barred the unbearable
wall of silence by humans which surround us."